Revolutionizing Science Education For All.

Our Programs

  • Eureka Express mentors will create and assemble science kits containing all the necessary materials and instructions for conducting experiments.

  • Eureka Express mentors will develop and deliver engaging STEM presentations. Presentations cover a variety of topics and engage students in hands-on learning.

  • Mentorship opportunities are offered to students who are interested in science. Our mentors provide guidance and support as the younger students explore their scientific interests and pursue their passions

More about Eureka Express

  • Eureka Express is a nonprofit organization dedicated to helping kids discover and learn from new experiences in science. We provide opportunities for students to create science kits and deliver STEM presentations to various elementary schools.

  • Eureka Express supports science education by providing equal opportunities for all students, regardless of their background or financial situation, to engage in science education. We focus on hands-on experimentation, which is the best way to spark a love of science and help students discover the joy of discovery.

  • If you are interested in getting involved with Eureka Express email us below to learn more.

Take a minute to check out our Blog to learn more about current events in STEM and informative and engaging answers to the curious science questions that people often ask!

Contact Us

Reach out with any questions, and we’ll get back to you shortly.