By Elad Racin

Gravity is one of the most important forces on Earth. If the earth didn't have gravity, you wouldn't be able to walk, run, or jump. In fact, you would start drifting away from the Earth and eventually fly into space!  

 What is gravity, exactly? Gravity is the force by which things pull other things towards their center. All massive things have gravity and the more massive an object is, the more it will pull on other objects. Closer objects also exert more gravitational force on each other as opposed to farther objects. Gravity is responsible for many things like the orbits planets make around the sun, as the sun pulls planets towards its center and doesn't let them drift off, and tides, which are a result of the moon using gravity to pull on the earth which moves the earth's water. 

Gravity is extremely important to life as we know it because it keeps everything from drifting away. So, next time you ask yourself: Why do I fall down instead of up? Remember that it is because the earth’s gravity is pulling you and everything around you towards the core of the earth.